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"Be the change you want to see"

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Temple at the Center of Time

In "Temple at the Center of Time: Newton's Bible Codex Finally Deciphered and the Year 2012" David Flynn uses clues found in illuminated literature and ancient myth, as well as his knowledge of the Bible in the original languages as Isaac Newton did, researching ancient texts that Isaac Newton had access to, and examining the works of Isaac Newton dealing with End Time Prophecy especially found in the Books of Daniel and Revelation or The Apocalypse. Flynn asserts that although Newton had solved riddles of space, time, gravity, light, physics & mathematics, Newton seemed to be looking for "proof that God is in control of the universe". Flynn's book demonstrates how pivotal events in history are unquestionably connected in time and space to Jerusalem. In "Temple at the Center of Time" one may find not only research into why such a great "scientific mind" as Newton's would be obsessed by the Biblical End Times, but also insite into such fascinating topics as the placement and purpose of ancient megaliths like Baalbek and Avebury, and why there is a significance placed on the galactic event which will occur on December 21, more about David Flynn's book "Temple at the Center of Time ...." at World Net Daily

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